Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan- St. Catharine

Energy Audit, Energy Plan
About This Project

In 2019, IESC was brought on by the City of St. Catharines to update its corporate energy conservation and demand management plan. This involved completing ASHRAE Level II energy audits across 10 of the highest energy-consuming buildings in the City’s portfolio, delivery of 3 workshops with City staff to gain their input into the plan, and analysis of the City’s vehicle fleet. The buildings that were audited included:

  • 2 Administrative buildings (including City Hall)
  • 3 Arenas
  • Aquatic centre
  • Firehall
  • Performing arts centre
  • Library
  • Museum

IESC held regular progress report update meetings both over the phone and at the City’s offices. IESC developed a comprehensive Energy Conservation and Demand Management (ECDM) plan across the City’s entire portfolio buildings, which included a detailed 5-year work plan that would see the City invest $1.5 million in energy conservation measures, which would reduce annual electricity consumption by 1.8 million kWh, natural gas by 125,000 m3, water by 10,000 m3, and lead to a reduction of over $300,000 in annual utility costs. The plan would also see the City reduce corporate energy intensity and GHG intensity by 19% and 29% respectively compared to the 2011 baseline. IESC also identified various organizational, policy, and engagement efforts that would be vital to the success of the ECDM plan, and that would help to instill a culture of energy efficiency in the City. In the fall of 2019, IESC presented the plan to St. Catharines City Council, where $1.5 million in funding was approved unanimously to implement the plan over a 5 year period.


  • Scenario analysis
  • Energy modelling
  • Energy auditing
  • Electrical design
  • Energy and building system design
  • Energy efficiency

Project Customer:

City of St. Catharines

Project Location:

St. Catharines, ON